Monday, July 14, 2014

Today we got manicures. I was going to post a picture but it doesn't work. Nisa got baby pink and I got indigo. We went to the mall because Tia Lulu was going to get her hair done so we got manicures. After, we went to an Arabian restaurant and had pita and hummus. We went up to the 4th floor and saw was movies there were. We saw that they were playing The Grand Budapest Hotel so we decided to come back for the later viewing but since Tia Lulu is coughing a lot and doesn't feel good we are going to skip it. That is the update for the past week and will will post more when possible!

1 comment:

  1. Hi -- thanks for the short Monday update. Hopefully you will also post couple or three more times before I see you -- which will be on the 23rd, right? Your mom/tia will be returning from Mexico this Saturday about 5 p.m. and I'll meet her at the airport -- flying in from Tuxtla to Mex City to Las Vegas to Seattle -- long day but she was thrilled it wasn't at night I think.

    Too bad I can't see your groovy manicures -- camera mis-behaving??

    love and hugs for now, grandma goldie
